Links to External Web Resources

I have benefited from a wide range of expert knowledge available on the web, but there are a lot of poor quality websites too.

 Here are a number of useful pages that I would recommend

Osentia - Fracture risk assessment based on fingernail clipping.

Kerus - Cutting edge software for designing complex real-world clinical studies in biomedical science.

Products Developed with Dr Beattie

Web Resources for Data Science

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy - premier resource for Raman spectroscopy

Research Gate - social media platform for scientific researchers

Mendeley - open source tools for the academic community, including citation manager

Publons - track contributions to peer review

Google Scholar - search for scientific literature without an institutional account

Academic Resources

Vasser Stats - useful resource for statistics, guides and basic calculators

MedCalc - Similar to Vasser Stats, gives another  perspective

Matlab Central - Community for Matlab users, forum and file sharing.

Stack Exchange - forums for all manner of technical disciplinces, including programming, statistics and science.

Statistics Resources